6th SW Coding Competition (Sejong Coding Challenge Week)

  • 전체 학생
  • 전체 학년/전체 성별
  • 전체 학과
  • sw6@sejong.ac.kr
  • 02-6935-2417
  • 세종대학교 전산실습실
6th SW Coding Competition (SW Coding Challenge Week) will be held from Oct. 28th to Nov. 8th. Two exams will be given during the competition. Those who are qualified for the first exam are eligible to participate in the second exam. Those who prove their excellence in coding will be awarded a scholarship and the certificate for the excellence in SW coding.

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SW Coding Certification
  • 작성자
  • 등록일
  • 조회87

SW Coding Certification

As part of SW Competition, SW coding certificate will be awarded to the participants upon evaluation of the level of competence in SW coding.

■ Eligibility Requirements

  ㅇ Basic skills and understanding of selection statements, loops, arrays, functions, and etc.

  ㅇ Problem-solving skills and logical thinking skills

■ Description of SW Coding Certification

  ㅇ Below is subject to change upon the level of difficulty of the problem set





Problem-solving skills

- Fundamental logical 

thinking skills

- Complex logical structure

- Understanding of the complicated problem statement


- Simple logical structure

- Understanding somewhat complicated terms and conditions


Coding skills

- Straightforward application 

of basic coding skills

- Arrays(List), File I/O

- Search and Sorting using Arrays(List)


- Nested Loops, Functions

- Infinite Loops, Break (Menu selection, price calculation)


- Cascaded IF statements, Loops

- GPA calculation, Min/Max, Factorical calculation, etc.


- Variable I/O, IF statements

- Swap, Even/Odd, etc.

■ Level of SW Coding Certification

  ㅇ Level of certificate varies depending on the major of the participants


1st Round
(1st Week)

2nd Round
(2nd Week)

SW Major

SW Major (SW Minor/Double) *

Level 3 ~ Level 1

Level 1 or above

SW Convergence
(Intelligent Mechanics Engineering)

SW-related Major (Electronics and 

Information Engineering)



SW Convergence (Creative Software)

Level 6 ~ Level 3

Level 2 ~ Level 1

Non-SW Major (except Electronics and 

Information Engineering)

* SW Major: Computer Engineering, Software(Digital Contents), Computer and Information Security,
                        Data Science (including SW Minor/Double)

* Subject to change upon the level of difficulty and results

■ Rules

  ㅇ Each problem contains a number of sub-problems

  ㅇ Those who resolve a sub-problem of a higher level gain a full mark for the sub-problems of a lower level

  ㅇ Level of certificate is determined by how many sub-problems of a certain level the participants resolved

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