[물리천문학과] An introduction to Heavy Ion Physics and CLASH
- 전체 학생/대학원생
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전공역량강화프로그램 전문가 초청 특강
영실관 601호
Lund Univ. Peter Christiansen 교수님의 강연입니다.
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‧강연 제목 : An introduction to Heavy Ion Physics and CLASH
‧연사 : Lund Univ. Peter Christiansen 교수님
‧일시 : 2024년 11월 6일 (수요일) 17:00~18:30
‧진행 방법 : 영실관 601호
‧신청 가능 대상 : 세종대학교 재학생 누구나
‧신청기간 : 10월 30일 ~ 11월 6일
‧강의 초록
I will first introduce the quark-gluon plasma and high-energy heavy-ion physics with a focus on showing why it is quite different from more traditional particle physics. After this, I will also introduce the CLASH project that we have had at Lund University. The CLASH project is focused on confronting the phenomenology of proton-proton collisions, such as the Lund string model, with the phenomenology of the quark-gluon plasma. Finally, I will show a few results from the CLASH talk and discuss what is next.
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[물리천문학과] An introduction to Heavy Ion Physics and CLASH
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