[물리천문학과 콜로퀴움] Altermagnetism research: current status and future directions

  • 전체 학생/대학원생
  • 전체 학년/전체 성별
  • 전체 학과
  • phydpt@sejong.ac.kr
  • 02-3408-3316
  • 영실관 601호
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  • 프로그램 일정 상태 비고

물리천문학과 콜로퀴움

‧강연 제목 : 확장현실은 정말로 확장 가능할까? 

‧연사 : 서울시립대학교 물리천문학과 김창영 교수님 

‧일시 : 2024년 4월 17일 (수요일) 17:00~18:30

‧진행 방법 : 영실관 601호

‧신청 가능 대상 : 세종대학교 재학생 누구나

‧신청기간 : 4월 15일 ~ 4월 17일

‧강의 초록

Altermagnets (AMs) are a new class of magnetic materials, distinguished from the well-known ferrro(ferri)magnets (FMs) and Neel antiferromagnets (AFMs). They are different from the two canonical classes of FM and AFM in that they are antiferromagnetic (broken time reversal symmetry with zero net magnetization) but, as opposed to the usual AFM, have spin split bands. As a result, they share some of physical properties of both FMs and AFMs. There are a handful of materials that are predicted to be AMs such as MnTe and RuO2 but experimentally accessible materials are quite scarce.

In this colloquium talk, I will briefly introduce altermagnetism and its history. I will then present direct experimental evidence for the spin splitting which was not reported before even though AMs are supposed to have spin split bands.[1] We performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on semiconducting MnTe. Spin-split electronic structure with a large splitting of ~1 eV is clearly resolved, demonstrating the existence of altermagnetism[1]. In addition, results on RuO2[2] and CrSb[3] will be briefly presented. Finally, I will discuss future research directions on AMs, more specifically, their potential application in spintronics research.

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  • [물리천문학과 콜로퀴움] Altermagnetism research: current status and future directions



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