[나노신소재공학과] Electrochemical Systems and Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications 강연

  • 전체 학생/대학원생
  • 전체 학년/전체 성별
  • 전체 학과
  • nanodpt@sejong.ac.kr
  • 02-3408-3668
  • 세종대학교 대양AI센터 B116호
나노신소재 분야의 산학연 전문가들을 초청하여 관련 연구 및 산업을 학생들에게 소개하고 관련 분야의 진학, 취업, 창업을 유도하는 프로그램임.

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  • 프로그램 일정 상태 비고

특강주제 : Electrochemical Systems and Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications

특강일시 : 2022.9.28. 16:00 ~ 2022.9.28. 20:00

특강장소 : 세종대학교 대양AI센터 B116호 

특강강사 : 강진수 교수님 (서울대학교)

특강목적 및 기대효과 : 

Development of industry during last several centuries have caused significant changes in the environment. For instance, rise in the atmospheric CO2 level resulted in the global warming, and various resources that are necessary for everyday lives of mankind have become less sustainable. In order to mitigate these circumstances, there have been significant research efforts, which include the use of electrochemical systems that could be utilized for energy and environmental applications. As these systems have great flexibility depending on the materials being used as the electrodes of the electrolyte, rapid growth of the field owes a lot to the advances in materials design and production. In this seminar, I will talk about my research efforts on the development of electrochemical systems and electrode materials for a wide range of energy and environmental purposes. In the first part, rationally designed multiscale-structured semiconductor electrodes that could be used for photoelectrochemical energy conversion will be introduced. Then, nanostructured electrocatalytic materials that could be potentially utilized for carbon-neural production of fuels – hydrogen in this case – will be briefly explained. Finally, based on the understanding of surface electrochemistry and electrocatalysis obtained from the research works on hydrogen energy, electrochemical desalination system with intrinsically high stability will be presented.

신청방법 : 세종대학교 두드림(do.sejong.ac.kr)

신청기간 : 2022. 9. 20. 10:00~ 2022. 9. 28. 15:00

신청대상 : 전체단과대학 학생

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  • [나노신소재공학과] Electrochemical Systems and Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications 강연



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