[물리천문학과 콜로퀴움] The Dawn of Quantum Fault-Tolerance

  • 전체 학생/대학원생
  • 전체 학년/전체 성별
  • 전체 학과
  • phydpt@sejong.ac.kr
  • 02-3408-3316
  • 영실관 601호
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Markus Mueller(RWTH Aachen)교수님의 강연입니다.

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  • 프로그램 일정 상태 비고

물리천문학과 콜로퀴움

‧강연 제목 :  Morphology of High Redshift Galaxies in the Horizon Run 5 Simulation and JWST Observation

‧연사 : KIAS 박창범 교수님

‧일시 : 2024년 6월 12일 (수요일) 17:00~18:30

‧진행 방법 : 온라인 강연(zoom)

‧신청 가능 대상 : 세종대학교 재학생 누구나

‧신청기간 : 6월 12일 ~ 6월 12일

‧강의 초록

Large-scale quantum computers hold the promise to efficiently solve some computationally hard problems, for which efficient solutions are intractable on classical computers. Unfortunately, unavoidable noise limits the capabilities of current intermediate-scale quantum devices. To date, the construction of scalable fault-tolerant quantum computersremains a fundamental scientific and technological challenge. In my talk, I will first introduce basic concepts of quantum computing and quantum error correction, which allows one to protect quantum information during storage and processing, by redundant encoding of quantum information in logical qubits formed of multiple physical qubits. I will then discuss recent progress in the area of quantum error correction, based on new theory concepts and collaborative experimentalbreakthroughs in state-of-the-art physical quantum processors, including trapped ions, Rydberg atoms and superconducting qubits. These results mark exciting first steps into the era of early fault-tolerant quantum computing with logical qubits.

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Meeting ID: 822 7427 1584
Passcode: 229117

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  • [물리천문학과 콜로퀴움] The Dawn of Quantum Fault-Tolerance



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