[물리천문학과] 콜로퀴움 전문가 초청 특강 - 세종대 물리천문학과 박사 후 연구원 장석준 박사님

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  • 02-3408-3316
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물리천문학과 콜로퀴움

‧강연 제목 : Lyα radiative transfer in Lyα Blobs

‧연사 :세종대 물리천문학과 박사 후 연구원 장석준 박사님

‧일시 : 2021년 12월 1일 (수요일) 17:00~18:30

‧진행 방법 : 온라인 웹엑스로 진행

‧신청 가능 대상 : 세종대학교 재학생 누구나

‧상세 내용은 물리천문학과 홈페이지를 참고하세요. 


‧강의 초록

Lyα radiative transfer in Lyα Blobs

Lyα is one of the strongest emission lines in the universe and an important tool to investigate the early universe at z = 2-5. Lyman Alpha Blob (LAB) is the Lyα emission object extended over ~ 100 kpc in the early universe. The origin of the spatially extended LAB is still controversial. Suggested mechanisms include photoionization by AGN, cooling radiation from cold accretion, shocks by galactic outflows, and Lyα scattering. Some literature observed the polarized Lyα in several LABs. It is strong evidence of the scattering. Lyα radiative transfer is a unique tool to investigate the spatial diffusion, frequency diffusion, and polarization of scattered Lyα. We developed Lyα radiative transfer simulation to study the properties of scattered Lyα in spherical H I halo with a central Lyα source. In our simulation, the photon packets carry to the position, the direction, the wavelength, and the polarization. Furthermore, we test that the point source surrounding H I halo is extended as well as LABs through only scattering. This presentation introduces spatially extended Lyα emission objects in the early universe and Lyα radiative transfer simulation.

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  • [물리천문학과] 콜로퀴움 전문가 초청 특강 - 세종대 물리천문학과 박사 후 연구원 장석준 박사님



    24 명 / 무제한

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